Although the Infinity Stones are far more popular, the Infinity Gems, as they appeared during the 1970s, are the actual comic book artifacts that served as a basis for the more famous stones from the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Their function and design are practically the same, but the backstory of the Infinity Gems is somewhat different than that of the Infinity Stones. In today’s article, I have decided to talk about the Infinity Gems and their powers, as they appear and manifest themselves in the original comic books. They were an essential part of Thanos’ plan to take over the universe, so they certainly merit a standalone article.
When their powers are compared, in the comics at least, the Mind Gem seems to be the weakest. While the Mind Gem does grant access to all minds at its peak, the other five gems’ powers seem to be far more practical than those of the Mind Gem.
In today’s article, I am going to talk about Marvel’s original Infinity Gems as they appeared in the comic books. You are going to find out about the Gems as well as which one of them is the weakest and why I think that that exact Gem is the weakest one among the group. Enjoy!
What are the Infinity Gems?
Each Infinity Gem grants a specific power to its owner, but these have had a different history, due to their dissemination in the universe. What follows is a list of all the known Infinity Gems, their powers and their known users in the history of Marvel’s universe.
The Space Gem gives the user the ability to teleport oneself or to teleport objects or even other living beings. Its successive known owners have been, as far as we know, Thanos, the Runner, Thanos, Adam Warlock, Pip the Troll, the Man-Beast, Pip the Troll, Magus (Adam Warlock), Pip the Troll, Rune, Loki, Galactus, Grandmaster, Black Arrow, and Iron Man.
The Mind Gem gives awareness of the thoughts and dreams of those around. It also increases the mental powers of its wearer. Its successive known owners have been Thanos, Supreme Intelligence, Grandmaster, Thanos, Adam Warlock, Moon Dragon, Beast-Man, Moon Dragon, Magus, Moondragon, Rune, Loki, Galactus, the Grandmaster, Professor X, and the Beast.
The Soul Gem grants the ability to steal and manipulate the souls of the living, as well as the dead. It has a conscience of its own and is in constant need of new souls. It was held by Adam Warlock for a very long time. Its successive known owners have been the High Evolutionary, Adam Warlock, Thanos, the In-Betweener, Thanos, Adam Warlock, Beast-Man, Adam Warlock, Magus, Adam Warlock, Rune, Loki, Galactus, Adam Warlock, the Grandmaster, Darkseid, Adam Warlock, and Doctor Strange.
The Reality Gem makes it possible to materialize one’s thoughts and to abolish physical and natural laws. Its known successive owners have been Thanos, the Collector, Thanos, Adam Warlock, Thanos, Rune, Loki, Galactus, the Grandmaster, Iron Man, and Mr. Fantastic.
The Time Gem gives the power to move in time or to observe a specific period without going there, while holding the risk of creating time loops. Its known successive owners have been the Gardener, Thanos, the Gardener, Thanos, Adam Warlock, Gamora, Man-Beast, Gamora, Magus, Gamora, Rune, Loki, Namor, and Captain America.
The Power Gem, in addition to granting superhuman strength and invincibility to its holder, enhances the power of the other gems. Its successive known owners have been the Stranger, Thanos, the Champion, Thanos, Adam Warlock, Drax, Man-Beast, Drax, Magus, Drax, Rune, Loki, Galactus, the Grandmaster, the Champion, Titania (Mary McPherran), Mr. Fantastic, and Namor.

What is the weakest Infinity Gem?
As far as one can deduce from their powers as I have listed them above, the Blue (later Yellow) Infinity Gem, also known as the Mind Gem, seems to be the weakest one.
Now, it’s pretty silly to talk like this about a gem that grants you the ability to enter and see the mind of every living being in the universe, but there are several practical reasons why I picked the Mind Gem. Not everyone will agree with me, probably, but I shall try and explain my decision as best as I can.
Why is the Mind Gem the weakest Infinity Gem?
Now that I have stated my opinion, let me elaborate on it a bit. The Mind Gem is, as we have already established, the Gem that grants the user free passage to the thoughts and dreams of other beings, alongside enhancing the user’s mental and psionic abilities. In itself, that is quite a lot of power for just one person. But where’s the catch?
First of all, accessing the thoughts of a being can be quite useful, but in comparison to the abilities provided by the other gems, it is not quite practical? The Power Gem grants omnipotence, the Space Gem grants omnipresence, the Time Gem grants omniscience, the Reality Gem grants the ability to manipulate space, while the Soul Gem grants dominion over life and death. All of these skills, at least from my point of view, are far more useful in combat or if you want to dominate the world. Sure, the Mind Gem might reveal your opponent’s weaknesses, but do you really need to know them if you have all of the other powers at your disposal?
The second reason why I think that the Mind Gem is the weakest is that the other gems’ powers really outmatch the Mind Gem’s powers. The Power Gem can simply annul its effects by destroying the owner; the Space Gem can displace it; the Reality Gem can make it completely useless in a fictive reality; the Soul Gem can annihilate its user, and; the Time Gem can make it seem as its influence never manifested itself.
They are far more powerful and they all can annul the Mind Gem’s effects, which cannot be stated vice versa or among them (for example, it wouldn’t be easy to determine the better one, in a clash of the Space Gem with the Time Gem).